What is Beard Transplant?
Beard transplantation is the process of transplanting hair from healthy and genetically resistant-to-shed type of hair, to the beard of the patient who had hair loss for various reasons or who wants a more prominent beard shape. In beard transplant, just as in hair transplants, hair is collected without any cuts and stitches from the nape of the neck where the hair is genetically resistant to shedding, and transferred to the problem areas.
What are the causes of beard hair loss?
Good planning should be made prior to the transplant process. It is necessary to determine the amount of follices to be planted and the correct angles. Then the specialist marks the areas where the transplantation on the face will be applied, with a pen. The beard transplant technique is also quite similar to the hair transplantation technique. It is performed with local anesthesia as in hair transplant ,and takes approximately 2 to 5 hours.
How is beard transplant applied?
Ekim işlemine başlamadan önce iyi bir planlama yapılmalıdır. Ne kadar sayıda kök ekileceği ve doğru açıları belirlemek gerekmektedir. Ardından uzman, kalemle yüzde ekimin uygulanacağı bölümleri işaretler. Sakal ekimi tekniği de büyük ölçüde saç ekimi tekniği ile benzer. Saç ekiminde olduğu gibi lokal anestezi ile yapılır ve ortalama 2 ile 5 saat kadar sürer.
Pre and Post-Treatment Considerations for Beard Transplants
- First of all, the most important issue to be considered is that beard transplantation should be done in sterile clinics and hair transplant specialists. After choosing the right clinic, if the person who wants to have a beard transplant normally consumes alcohol or takes any blood thinning medication or product, he should stop them one week prior to the application.
- The patient can easily continue his daily life after the application. Still, the first 3-5 days are critical, in these days grafts take on to the new areas. Beard transplant area should not be exposed to water for 2 days. The way of lying is very important. The patient should lie on his back, protecting the transplanted area from rubbing. Hot bath, pool, sauna, sun and solarium should be avoided for at least two weeks. The transplanted area should be protected from hard impacts and friction for 6 months and shavers should not be used.
- There may be shedding on the transplanted beard for about 2 weeks, you should not worry about it. The follicles that replaced the shed hair will be permanent. From the third month onwards, the new beard starts to grow and in the sixth and seventh months the image will change significantly.
Where can the hair follicles collected for beard transplant?
The hair follicles needed for beard transplantation can be taken over the lower part of the beard, the chest, the lower parts of the neck and even from the hair on the cheekbones and transplanted to another area that is needed. There are many options for beard follicle collection. Beard transplant application can even take the role of hair removal in the area where the follicle is taken.
What should be expected after beard transplantation?
When the beard transplant operation is completed, no scar is left on any part of the body. Today, with the modern techniques applied in beard transplantation, effective results can be achieved in a very short time like a few weeks. The only problem with beard transplant is the formation of short-term red spots in the transplanted area after the operation. The body wants to nourish the operation area after beard transplantation. Thus, blood cab build up in the operated area. Although this short-term bleeding occurring in the bottom of beard appears as red dots, the patient should not worry about it. This is definitely a temporary period. At the ende of the second week, the shedding that is known as ‘shock loss’ occurs in beard aesthetics. After that, the new beard starts to grow. This new beard is permanent and long lasting. Patients do not need to worry about any sheddings. The transplanted beard hair does not shed.
How long does it take for the face to regain its normal appearance following the beard transplantion?
After the “shock loss”, which is defined as the rapid shedding of the beard mentioned above, instead of the beard hairs that have shed, new hairs will grow in 4-8 months. After this period that varies, shortens and prolongs according to the person, there will be permanent beard in that area. After the operation you had in a competent center and operated by a competent specialist, you will have a beard that looks almost natural and as if you already had it .