Fat Burning and Body Sculpting (EmSculpt)

What is EmSculpt?

Body sculpting devices are all aimed at reducing fat or restoring and tightening the skin. If you have fewer fat deposits but want to be fit and stay fit, or if you want your belly or buttocks to be sculpted and look better, the first thing you need to do is building the infrastructure. Our body consists of 1/3 muscles and the muscles need to be strengthened and developed to achieve the body you desire. EmSculpt device is developed for this purpose and helps to burn fat while strengthening muscles. Furthermore, EmSculpt is the world’s first non-surgical buttock-lifting method. By means of this application, it is possible to improve abdominal tone, lift and sculpt the buttocks, and have a fit body.


What exactly does EmSculpt do?

EmSculpt initially builds and strengthens the muscle foundations under the fat. At the same time, it provides decrease in abdominal fat with increasing muscle tone. It helps to reveal a slimmer and more athletic body at the same time. When applied to the hips, it strengthens all the muscles and creates more athletic buttocks. Whereas the muscle tone increases, a shaped tightness occurs.


Who can benefit from EmSculpt?

Every woman and man who is healthy can benefit from EmSculpt application.


Is EmSculpt a safe process?

EmSculpt is not based on a heating / cooling principle, so there is no risk of burning, scarring or edema. The device is certified by FDA and also has medical CE certification.


Is EmSculpt application a painful process?

Application with EmSculpt is painless. After the session, people state that they do not feel pain, just feel like they have been doing a core workout.


Does it require healing period?

Results may vary based on age, physical condition, and body mass index (BMI). Positive results usually appear 2 to 4 weeks after the last session, and improvement continues for several weeks following the sessions.


When do EmSculpt results occur?

Results may vary based on age, physical condition, and body mass index (BMI). Positive results usually appear 2 to 4 weeks after the last session, and improvement continues for several weeks following the sessions.


How long do the results last?

Clinical studies show that after the application, results both in muscles and fats continue even one year later.


Why EmSculpt?

More than 65,000 applications have been carried out with EmSculpt in U.S. and no negative feedback has been received so far. There are many scientific studies proving the effectiveness of EmSculpt application.


How many sessions are required for EmSculpt application?

Although number of sessions for EmSculpt application varies according to physician consultation, 4 sessions in total are recommended twice a week under normal conditions. For more than 4 sessions, the muscle must be rested for a certain time and new muscle formation must be waited. There is no sustainment application in EmSculpt because the effects on muscles and fats do not decrease even after a year. On the contrary, it is increasing. For this reason, if it is desired for further improvement, more sessions can be planned.